In breast aesthetic surgeries, the doctor and the patient who will perform the procedure should cooperate to plan the procedure together. The doctor chooses the appropriate breast aesthetic surgical technique according to the patient’s expectations. “Breast aesthetics in Turkey” operations include augmentation with fat injection or augmentation with silicone prosthesis. If augmentation will be made with a silicone prosthesis in line with planning, the type and size of the prosthesis to be used and where it will be placed are determined. The choice of silicone prosthesis in implant augmentation operations directly affects the success of the operation. The silicone implant to be used in the augmentation process should be determined before the operation. The surface feature, gel content and shell structure of the implant to be used in the surgery should be suitable for the patient. At this stage, it is critical for the doctor to approach the patient and address his concerns, as well as his experience and knowledge. For this and many similar reasons, choosing the right clinic has a great impact on the success rate of the operation. Yoo Retouch clinic provides the satisfaction of its patients with the comfort of the clinic as well as its experienced specialist doctors. It is a private health center in the Nişantaşı district of Istanbul, which has full competence and is approved by the Ministry of Health. Your first address for “breast aesthetics in Istanbul” should be Yoo Retouch.
There are some criteria for breast augmentation surgery. Breast aesthetics is a surgical procedure that can be applied to any woman who is over the age of 18 and does not have any health problems and complains of small breasts. There is no obstacle to breastfeeding or milk production in the next period after any breast augmentation surgery (fat injection or silicone implant). In the following period, a possible pregnancy situation is calculated and operations are performed. In addition, the operation does not harm the mammary glands that produce milk. Contrary to popular belief, breast augmentation surgery does not result in loss of sensation in the breast.
Why is Breast Aesthetics done?
By making two-dimensional and three-dimensional measurements, the shape and weight of the breasts are managed in relation to the weight, height, age and body ratio of the person. The main reasons for this breast aesthetic operation are to correct the breast asymmetry, to increase the volume with the implant technique, to correct the external appearance of the breast, to eliminate factors such as back and neck pain due to breast size, and posture disorder, and to give the person the desired appearance. Fat injections and breast implants are two options to achieve these results. However, since the indication for fat injection is limited, implants are among the most frequently used surgical interventions. Breast implants are the only option for breast augmentation aesthetics. There are several types, including drop or round shape, rough or smooth surface. The purpose of these options is to make the person feel better and at the same time achieve the look of his dreams.
Breast Aesthetics Turkey Cost?
Although the concept of beauty varies greatly according to cultural and social structures, recently proportional body lines have been determined as the first criterion for understanding beauty. Breasts are one of the contributing factors to this rate. Large enough, two breasts of equal size and non-saggy breasts contribute to the overall beauty of the female body. However, due to births, weight gain, hormonal disorders, and genetics, many people may have differences in breast size, such as very large or very small breasts or saggy breasts. In this case, breast aesthetics can give positive results.
Breast augmentation surgery is an aesthetic procedure performed on small breasts that have not completed their growth for various reasons or that have shrunk after breastfeeding. Breast size, which is one of the most important structures of the female body and completes the aesthetic integrity, varies from person to person, even between two parties in the same person. It is precisely for these reasons that you can set a meeting day with Yoo Retouch clinic for a clear price. Specialist surgeons in the clinic perform your examination, determine the technique to be applied, and provide you with information about pricing. Today, commonly performed breast augmentation surgeries give very successful results. As technology advances, breast augmentation surgeries have become more accessible, natural and faster. You can perform all the aesthetic operations you dream of with the private clinic, which provides a very comfortable area for its patients with its 2000m2 clinical environment.
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