Who is Omer Mirza Ozturk? What are its features?

Ömer Mirza Öztürk, who has come to the fore in recent days, is actually Ömer Faruk Öztürk’s real name. He became a very famous businessman with his successes at a young age. However, Ömer Mirza Öztürk has never lost his passion for music and continues to meet with his fans on many social platforms with his popular songs. The young man, who impresses everyone with his sympathetic demeanor and charismatic stance, is also frequently mentioned in the music market, which he is passionate about, while climbing the ladder of success rapidly. In addition, Mirza Dmf has achieved success in a short time with more than one textile enterprises and contributed to the economy of our country with its exports.

Where is Ömer Mirza Öztürk Aslan from?

Ömer Mirza Öztürk was born in Topçatan village of Doğu Beyazıt district of Ağrı as the last child of the family. It is possible to say that his charismatic stance is the result of his strong personality, as well as his fans who attribute his sympathetic attitude to his being the last child. Ömer Mirza Öztürk, who has 21 brothers, lived in this village with his family and siblings until he was 8 years old. Due to the serious illness he had at the age of 8, his older brother took Ömer little and made him step into his commercial life from the village. Ömer Mirza, who has a deep-rooted textile background by his family, made a quick entry into business life with Karven Tekstil. However, Ömer Mirza, who was just at the beginning of the road, had already managed to become an important name in the textile world.

Success Story from Abroad to Homeland Ömer Mirza Öztürk

Ömer Mirza Öztürk started to climb the ladder of success in the textile world, which he entered under the leadership of his father and brother. Ömer Mirza Öztürk, who settled in Russia at the age of 16, lived in Moscow for 6 years. When the dates showed 2018, he settled in America to get his medical education, which he was interested in at that time. However, for various reasons, he decided to return to Turkey, his homeland, by ending his medical education in the first year. Having achieved success in many areas when he returned to Turkey, Ömer Mirza managed to make a name for himself in every field from textile to construction sector. The young businessman, who works as a distributor in different sectors, made successful initiatives in the field of Eighteleven supermarket chain, which he met in America.
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Young Businessman Climbing the Stairs of Success

During the pandemic that swept the world in 2022, Ömer Mirza had to hand over the chain of markets he was the distributor of. In the same period, he founded the e-commerce site 7yirmidört.com. 29-year-old young businessman Ömer Mirza, who continues his services with the e-commerce site as Harz Tekstil, in addition to Karven Tekstil, which he continues to operate, mostly continues his services in the field of home textiles.When the Karven and Harz fr website is examined, it is possible to encounter unique home textile products that are aesthetically pleasing and more stylish than the other. Ömer Mirza Öztürk, who is the best in this field, aims to take his successes further.

Ömer Mirza Öztürk’s Passion for Music

It is possible to understand from his fans that Ömer Mirza, who is rapidly rising in the field of textile and business, has turned his passion for music into magnificent works from an early age. Although his business life, which is famous with the names Karven and Harz Tekstil, is a talent and tradition from his family, Ömer Mirza Öztürk has never lost his passion and love for music. Ömer Mirza, who meets his fans with his social media accounts with thousands of followers, has created a unique fan base with his mature character, cute and sympathetic attitudes, and honest personality. It is accepted that Ömer Mirza, who has produced many works in his field, will continue to shine in the music world.
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Music and Ömer Mirza Öztürk

Ömer Mirza Öztürk, who made a name for himself in music after his textile and business life, proved how talented he is in the field of music with his legendary works. After the textile shops in Istanbul Laleli and home textile products produced in the fabric factory in Çorlu, it started to rise rapidly in the music world. Although Ömer Mirza Öztürk has been composing for a very short time, his reputation spread abroad and thousands of music companies began to aspire to his compositions. The music videos he published on his YouTube channel, one of his social media accounts, were watched by one million people in a short time.

Ömer Mirza Öztürk Takes the World Famous Name as Example

In a very short time, young businessman Ömer Mirza Öztürk, who sold his name and compositions to thousands of music production companies not only in Turkey but also abroad, proved how talented he is in this field. Ömer Mirza, who says that he has no difficulty in composing and that a feeling comes from his soul, states that he cannot spare much time for music due to his busyness in his field of work. Ömer Mirza Öztürk, who says that he takes the world-famous pianist musician Fazıl Say as an example in the field of music, shares the good news that he will concentrate more on the field of music he is passionate about after bringing the textile companies to a certain level in time.

Most Popular Compositions of Ömer Mirza Öztürk

Ömer Mirza Örtürk,who stated that he started his passion for music as a hobby, said that his success under the name Mirza DMF is pushing the limits. His compositions, which he shared with his fans on his social media accounts and Youtube channel, were admired in a short time. Ömer Mirza, a modern and free personality, is also quite remarkable in his gentlemanly personality. Ömer Mirza, who is talked about with his unique style in the modern music industry, has a serious audience. Expressing that he expresses his feelings, freedom and thoughts with the music he is passionate about, the videos in which the beloved musician integrates with the piano continue to break records of viewing and sharing.
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Expressing His Emotions With MusicÖmer Faruk Öztürk, who is self-confident, successful, sympathetic, free-spirited, charismatic as well as very emotional, states that he expresses his feelings and himself better with music. The difficulties, illnesses and longing for his homeland since his childhood could not intimidate Ömer Mirza, on the contrary, they made him more successful. Only 29 years old, at the beginning of the road, Ömer Mirza describes the secret of his success as goodwill, perseverance and hard work. Moreover, it is not difficult to understand how elegant and refined Ömer Mirza Öztürk is in the aesthetics of home products he produces in his business life. Ömer Mirza Öztürk, who states that he transfers what is poured from his soul into his compositions rather than notes and systematic work, shares the message that he wants to be more productive in the field of music with his fans at every opportunity.

Favorite Personality of Ömer Mirza Öztürk

Ömer Mirza Öztürk, whose journey started in Topçatan village in Doğu Beyazıt district of Ağrı, is full of challenges as well as success, has thousands of followers on social media accounts such as Instagram and Facebook. Ömer Mirza, whose videos and compositions on Youtube have been watched millions of times, and whose story that started in a small village continued abroad, operates in many sectors in Turkey. In the field of textile, its products are sold both in the country and abroad. His compositions are popular all over the world. Ömer Mirza Öztürk, who is very popular not only for his successful identity, but also for his loving and sincere attitudes, honest and humble personality, will make a name for himself more in the coming days.https://harz.fr/


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